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Qiimaha joogtada ah $48.00

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Cabbirka bacda

Tilmaamaha Isticmaalka:

Si aad u samayso hal koob oo caano geel ah, ku dar 1-2 qaado oo ah budada caanaha geela ee qallalan ilaa 8 oz. biyo oo si tartiib ah u walaaq. Ama ku dar qaado qaado bunkaaga, shaaha, smoothies, ama protein ruxitaankaaga!

Nolosha shelf oo kordhay iyo kaydinta 12 bilood!

Ku fiican dubista!

Caanaha Geela ee la diyaariyey waa in la qaboojiyaa oo la cunaa 24 saacadood gudahood.

Fadlan ku kaydi meel qabow oo qallalan.


• Aan Xasaasi ahayn - waxaa ku yar lactose iyo casein

• Dufanku ku yar yahay

• 10x bir ka badan iyo 3x vitamin C ka badan caanaha lo'da

• Ka sarreeya caanaha lo'da ee calcium, fitamiin A, B, D, E, borotiinno dhif ah, & antioxidants

• Kolestaroolka oo ku yar

• Aysiidh dufan ah oo aan dheregsanayn oo ay ku badan tahay

• Way fududahay in la dheefshiido oo u fiican caafimaadka mindhicirka

• Gluten-free

• Sonkor laguma darin

• Ma jiro hormoonno, antibiyootik, wax lagu daro, ama waxyaalaha lagu ilaaliyo

• Probiotic dabiiciga ah

• Nafaqo ahaan aad ugu shabaha caanaha hooyada bini'aadamka marka loo eego caanaha kale ee kale!

Wax badan ka baro Faa'iidooyinka Caanaha Geela


Waxaan si toos ah kuugu soo direynaa raritaan degdeg ah oo lagu kalsoonaan karo gurigaaga! Baakad ammaan ah, oo deegaanka-saaxiibtinimo leh si loo ilaaliyo nadiifnimada budada caanaha geela.

Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan dhoofinta

Is diwaangeli oo kaydi 20%:

Waxaa kugu filan inaad ka werwerto!

Samee nidaam caano geel ah oo soo noqnoqda, oo iska ilow!

Is-qor oo hel qiimo dhimis 20% ah dalab kasta!

Waxaad dejin kartaa dalab soo noqnoqda kaasoo si toos ah si toos ah ugu soo rari doona albaabkaaga toddobaadle ama bishiiba!

Waad maamuli kartaa akoonkaaga, waad bedeli kartaa dalabkaaga, joojin kartaa, ama burin kartaa wakhti kasta.

Sida Loo Isdiiwaangeliyo:

1. Guji badhanka "Subscribe & Save" ee ka sarreeya "Kudar Gaariga" ee midigta.

2. Deji dalabkayaga (waxaad bedeli kartaa dalabkaaga, joojin kartaa, ama burin kartaa wakhti kasta).

3. Dhig dalabkaaga soo noqnoqda...oo iska illow!


• Waan jecelnahay macaamiisheena waxaanan rabnaa inaan hubinno in si cadaalad ah laguula dhaqmo! Haddi arintu ay tahay qaladkeena, waan saxaynaa anaga oo bedela shayga ama ku siino lacag celin buuxda!

• Alaabooyinka cuntada ee halligmaya lama soo celin karo, laakiin waxaan samayn doonaa wax kasta oo ay ku qaadanayso si aan u hubinno inaad ku faraxsan tahay oo loola dhaqmo si cadaalad ah!

Haddii aad hesho alaabtaada oo ay xumaato ama xumaato, fadlan noogu soo dir email info@camelculture.org, ama wac (720)-515-4746.

▻ Noogu soo dir iimayl sawir ah alaabta dhaawacan (iyo baakadaha), iyo sidoo kale sharaxaadda arrinta.

Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Soo-celinta & Lacag-celinta

Nala soo xiriir


Ka hel dhammaan jawaabaha aad ka raadinayso boggayaga FAQ!

Ama nala soo xidhiidh haddii aad su'aalo qabtid.

camel milk benefits infographic compared to plant-based milk and cow milk


Powder vs. Liquid

It's a matter of personal preference! Both the powder and liquid camel milk have an incredibly high nutritional value.The powder is nice because it has a very long shelf-life, and it's easily mixed with smoothies, protein shakes, coffee, muffins, mac n cheese, etc. But there's no substitute for the smooth, fresh taste of liquid milk.

Where does your camel milk powder come from?

We've searched the globe for the highest quality camel milk powder -visiting and taste testing numerous farms to bring you the best product.

We've found the best camel milk powder to come from dromedary camels in the Rajasthan region. We work with some of the largest farms in these regions to source camel milk powder for our US customers.

We currently do not produce powder at our US farm because it's expensive to produce and demand for the fresh camel milk is so high.

We're able to get a higher quality and more affordable camel milk powder by importing from our FDA approved camel dairy partners overseas.

What if I'm lactose intolerant?

Many of our customers are lactose intolerant and are able to tolerate and enjoy our camel milk because of the low levels of lactose!

Can you cook or bake with camel milk?

Yes! Camel milk is excellent to use for cooking and baking!

Customer Reviews

Based on 84 reviews
andrew b
Easy to take on the go!

It’s hard to take frozen camel milk with me, but this camel milk powder works well for my travel schedule! I mix it in protein shakes as a part of my daily routine. Tastes great!

Safia Haile
I don’t know

I have enjoyed camel milk before, but it is my first time trying camel milk powder. my experience with this camel milk powder was disappointing. The powder doesn't mix well with water, leaving an unnatural appearance. Unfortunately, it didn’t meet my expectations. Any help tips? How can I mix up will be helpful!

Hi Safia, I think it mixes best in a blender or with a small frother. I personally mix the powder in a blender with ice and water. This helps create a smoother consistency throughout. I hope this helps!

Chelsea N Jones
Tasty, Nutritious, and Something I Can Eat!

I am trying my first dried camel's milk and am so happy my body is able to tolerate it (my body is sensitive to most foods) and it's delicious and very nutrious. Excited to see how it changes my health!


My son loves it. It works well for him

Happy to hear your son loves it!

Maria Stanley

I love the benefits of the camel milk, is helping me to go to the bathroom every day and my dry mouth and dry eyes are much better. My question is if I can take two times per day ?

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Gaariga wax iibsiga

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