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Camel milk benefits

Camel milk is an ancient health food secret! Nomadic peoples have been sustained by camel milk for over 5,000 years. 

This desert superfood is packed with nutrients that Western cultures are only starting to understand. Our mission is to bring this health food secret to every home in the USA.

Gut | Brain | Immunity

• Non-Allergenic - low in lactose and casein

• Low in saturated fats

• 10x more iron and 3x more vitamin C than cows milk

• Higher than cows milk in calcium, vitamin A, B, D, E, rare proteins, & antioxidants

• Low in cholesterol

• High in unsaturated fatty acids

The Healthier Dairy

• Easy to digest and great for gut health

• Gluten-free

• No added sugar

• No hormones, antibiotics, additives, or preservatives

• Natural probiotic

• Nutritionally more similar to human mother's milk than any other dairy milk!



3 Reasons We Don't Homogenize Our Camel Milk

We’ve all heard or even said the famous phrase, “The cream rises to the top!” But do you know where it comes from? T...

Is Our Camel Milk Real? The Experts Weigh In.

We ask the crowds one questions - "What do you think of our camel milk?" The response was the same -This is real camel milk, and it tastes just like home!

4 Reasons to Celebrate Camels: World Camel Day!

Happy World Camel Day! June 22nd is a holiday honoring camels impact on the world. Here are 4 reasons they deserve to be celebrated!
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