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3 Reasons We Don't Homogenize Our Camel Milk

3 Reasons We Don't Homogenize Our Camel Milk

We’ve all heard or even said the famous phrase, “The cream rises to the top!” But do you know where it comes from?
This saying originates from non-homogenized milk, where the richer, fattier part—called cream—naturally separates and floats to the top.
Nowadays, with most cow milk being homogenized, this process has become less familiar to many people. Homogenization is done to make milk more uniform and marketable, but separation is actually a natural occurrence!

Here’s why we choose not to homogenize our camel milk:

1. Flavor and Texture: Non-homogenized camel milk has a creamier and richer texture, which we believe enhances its flavor.
2. Digestibility: Keeping the larger fat molecules intact may make the milk easier on some digestive systems.
3. It’s Natural: Camel milk is already packed with vitamins, minerals, and immune-boosting properties. We want to keep it as natural as possible!
    When you see separation in our camel milk, just give the bottle a good shake and enjoy!

    TL;DR: Separation is natural! Don’t be afraid to shake the bottle!

    Taste the difference for yourself!

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