What Does Camel Milk Taste Like?
A little nervous to try camel milk?
You've heard about the amazing health benefits, but what about the taste?
Maybe it sounds kinda dirty and gross...
But check out this photo of camel milk and cow milk.
Which looks more appetizing? Which looks “dirty and gross”?

I don’t know about you… but I’d prefer the pure white camel milk over the dirty yellow cow milk!
And Stonyfield is a popular organic cow milk that is supposed to be “healthy” -parents across the US give it to their kids everyday.
Parents, it’s time to upgrade your kids milk to the healthier dairy -camel milk!
Not only is it superior in nutrients, it’s also delicious!
What does camel milk taste like?
Camel milk sounds intimidating... but it's surprisingly smooth and refreshing!
Imagine growing up eating Discount Maple Syrup on your pancakes, and then you finally try 100% Pure Vermont Maple Syrup. Yes, they are going to taste slightly different, especially if your palate is used to genetic grocery store maple syrup!
In the same way, many Americans are used to drinking cow milk or almond milk.
But it’s time to acquire a taste for the superior dairy!
Camel milk has a sweet, slightly salty, and creamy taste. It has a similar smooth consistency to 2% milk, even though it is very lean and low-fat.
Most people who try it for the first time expect to hate it! They expect it to taste gamey or sour.
But people are always surprised by how much they like it!
The most common answer we receive:
After the 1st sip = “Oh wow, it’s not bad.”
After the 2nd sip = “It’s actually kinda good.”
After the 3rd sip = “I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!”
Because camel milk does not contain high amounts of sugar that other milks, it does not taste as super sweet. It has a pure, smooth taste with a slightly salty finish.
What people say about the taste
Here are some reactions from 1st time camel milk drinkers:
“The taste was delicious. Tried to keep it from my kids, but once they got a hold of it, they were hooked.” -Abu Ismail
“The flavor is somewhat like skim milk, but a bit creamier.” -Melinda
“It’s delicious with a FABULOUS balance of nutrients! I'm normally vegan, but I had to make an exception.” -Alice
“Camel milk from Camel Culture tastes just like the camel milk I grew up drinking in India. You can tell it's real.” -Falak
“Loved the wholesomeness in the milk, I treasured the taste and enjoyed every last drop.” -Devin
“Camel milk tastes a bit like cow milk, but not at all gamey like goat milk.” -Mel
“I tried another brand of camel milk, and it had a sour aftertaste —not so with Camel Culture.” -Becca
“This is the best milk I ever bought for my son, and above all, it tastes amazing.” -Hajer
“Not as salty as other brands. This milk is really delicious with coffee.” -Victoria
“It tastes like milk! It has the consistency of skim milk, and the flavor is definitely nothing strange.” -Joe
“I tried another camel milk company, and this milk tastes far superior.” -Jayme
“I anticipated a more distinct flavor. It was smoother than cow, goat or other types of milk.” -Andrew
“I like the taste. The milk is very thick and a bit salty. My kids like it very much.” -Summer
“I was skeptical at first, amazingly, it tastes great. I used to drink almond milk or whole milk in my smoothies but camel milk tastes better.” -Dave
“I am 91 years old, and I drink camel milk every morning. It’s delicious and makes me feel great.” -Jack
Try camel milk now!
Do you like adventure? Do you like to try new things?
Or do you always play it safe? 😮
Take the camel milk challenge! We guarantee you’ll love it, and your body will thank you.
1st time camel milk drinkers also get 20% off!
Order camel milk today!
And get ready to live!
Fixed it! Thank you, Nick!
Just an editorial note: under the What does camel milk taste like? paragraph, pallet should be palate