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Is Our Camel Milk Real? The Experts Weigh In.

Is Our Camel Milk Real? The Experts Weigh In.

The country of Somalia has more camels than any other country in the world. Somali people know camels -and camel milk!

So we set up a "free camel milk" booth at the largest Somali festival in the US. We ask the crowds one questions - "What do you think of our camel milk?"

The Somali Independence Day Festival in Minneapolis, MN was an absolute blast! We got to experience the joys of celebrating the beautiful culture of Somalis living in America!

We gave away hundreds of free samples, and the response was the same...

“Wow. This is REAL camel milk and it tastes like home!" 
“I haven’t tasted camel milk in 20 years! This brings back so many memories!” 
“My family always talks about it, but I’ve never gotten to try it before.” 
“This is real camel milk! There are 200 hundred camels in Missouri??” 

It was a joy to witness multiple generations react to our camel milk!

Here is snapshot from the festival!

Home doesn’t have to be too far away.

Don’t wait. Order today!

Or ask your local stores to carry our camel milk!


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  • Wow! I love the photos of all the smiling faces! Camel milk is the real deal…. Everyone should try it!


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